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Follow The Fingers Records has cultivated a reputation far and wide as a musical curator, bringing like-minded people together, creating moments on the dancefloor. The London-based label focus on a constantly evolving and innovative music policy.

The result has been a flurry of chart successes, regularly landing in the top 20 across genres ranging from Melodic House and Techno to Indie Dance. Added to this they have landed a number 1 and a top 10 in the Electronica chart, demonstrating their ability to reach the upper echeleons of the charts consistently. While also charting in 15+ countries on Apple Music to add further weight to their growing reputation.

It is easy to see why the label is regarded as a beacon for quality dance music hits across the dance music landscape, cementing their position as a fresh and exciting imprint. We can expect to see and hear more from the Follow The Fingers family for years to come!

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