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FMR114 | 2024-06-14  
There are moments when the past intersects with the present to create something truly captivating. "Magic Galaxy," the latest single by Studio Nova, is one such moment, blending elements of the past with a contemporary twist.

At its core, "Magic Galaxy" takes samples from Donald Byrd's classic "Think Twice," infusing them with a modern swinging house beat that pulsates with energy. The result is a mesmerizing fusion of old and new, where the original mid-tempo groove of the 70s is transformed into a high-pressure house burner for the 21st century dance floor.

What sets "Magic Galaxy" apart is its psychedelic and driving rendition, which pays homage to both the original source material and the sampled versions that have come since. While these samples have been used in house tracks in the past, Studio Nova takes them on a transformative journey, imbuing them with a unique energy and vitality.

Throughout the track, female vocal cut-up samples punctuate the groove, adding layers of texture and accentuating key moments in the music. It's a testament to Studio Nova's ethos, seamlessly blending past and present to create a sonic experience that is a pure vibe.

In many ways, "Magic Galaxy" embodies the spirit of innovation and creativity that has paved the way for modern dance music. Like the Jamaican dub tracks of old, where producers drew inspiration from one another to create something new, Studio Nova has crafted a track that feels simultaneously familiar and fresh.

With "Magic Galaxy," Studio Nova invites listeners on a journey through time and space, where the boundaries between past and present blur, and the possibilities are endless. This is a testament to the enduring power of music to transcend time and connect us all.

Everything by Studio Nova.
Mastered by Maziar Namvar.
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2024 Fresh Meat Records

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