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SVR150DJ | 2024-04-05  
In the realm of progressive music, where innovation meets artistry, 'Left 2 Dust' emerges as a formidable force with their latest record, 'HIYA'. Comprised of the dynamic duo Ozgur Can and Perry van de Vrede, whose collective experience resonates throughout this production, 'HIYA' serves as a compelling showcase of their musical expertise, highlighting their mastery of the craft and relentless pursuit of creating the best records out there.

The track is both hypnotic and exhilarating and Left 2 Dust exhibits a keen attention to detail, with each element meticulously crafted to evoke a range of emotions and sensations. The groove and basslines together with the infectious melody make this a pure joy to listen and dance to. Ozgur Can and Perry van de Vrede have not only solidified their place as masters of their craft but have also raised the bar for what progressive music can achieve in the modern era.

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