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Music to move to, music to meditate to too

Paul A. George's debut, "Last Dance," isn't a dirge, it's a fiesta. Flamenco strings duel with pulsating electronica, conjuring Tulum sunsets and desert mirages in equal measure. Flamenco blends into cumbia, house thumps into ancient rhythms – a seasoned traveler weaving sonic tapestries across continents.

"It's a culmination of all the things I love, and bleed together in a way that could move a crowd, or let someone get lost in a set of headphones," says George. "I've got rooms full of old synths and guitars. I felt comfortable attaching myself to all of them at some stage of the album."

Each track paints a journey. Satin Bowerbird shimmers like mirage-painted sunsets, Santa Rosa tangos tradition with futurism, and Last Dance waltzes under a melancholic sky.

Last Dance isn't a farewell, it's a passport. Every beat pulsates with wanderlust, every note an invitation to move, to feel, and lose yourself in the last dance. Concise, evocative, and pulsing with rhythm. Last Dance: one sun-drenched note at a time.

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